The Meaning Of Chung Moo Doe
The meaning of "Chung Moo Doe" is "a way to
develop mental and physical harmony," or "(through practice) a way
to develop harmony of the mind and body."
"CHUNG MOO DOE" -- Literal translations of
"Chung Moo Doe" can include a simple definition of "True Military
Way" or "True Martial Arts." If limited to simple abstract meanings
it can also mean "Mind-Body-Way." However someone familiar with the
basic principles of the East Asian philosophy of Yin and Yang will readily
recognize that "mind and body" also represent the balance of
harmony of nature.
Many Westerners more and more have been studying the languages of
East Asia. In Oriental languages some people can only repeat literal
definitions of words and phrases. Someone from East Asia who has at least a college
education understands that besides the literal definitions, there are important
abstract or derived meanings in the languages of East Asia.
"CHUNG" -- Some of the definitions of the word
"Chung" are "true, right, correct, upright, straight, just at, adjust,
principal, chief, January and whole." These definitions include primary,
secondary and derived meanings of the word. Abstract meanings are derived from the
basic word but have developed over time into distinct meanings of their own. The
basic principle of "Chung" (true, right, correct) represents
concepts only possible through rational thought. East Asian scholars recognize one
abstract meaning of "Chung" to include "Mental" or
"MOO" -- Likewise definitions of "Moo"
include "military (martial), warlike, fierce, firm, and
violent." These are concepts of physical action. Abstract meanings of the word
include "physical" or "body."
"DOE" -- Definitions of the word
include "road, way, path, truth, principle and